If you were injured as a result of medical malpractice, you shouldn't wait to take legal action. The licensed attorneys at Meeks and Cannon, P.C. in Leesburg, GA will uncover the truth and fight for justice on your behalf.
Eddy and Phil have been medical malpractice lawyers since 1977 and 1992, respectively. Together, they can come up with a strategy that will improve your chances of winning your case. Reach out today to speak with a licensed attorney about your predicament.
Thanks to their extensive trial experience, Phil and Eddy are prepared for any curveball the prosecution throws at them. Our attorneys are licensed to practice...
If you're dealing with a similar legal matter, contact our law office in Leesburg, GA today to find out if you have a case. Consultations are free.
Medical malpractice lawyers have ways of obtaining evidence that you could never discover your own. That's why it's smart to retain an attorney. You can trust us to gather all the facts before we start building your case.